Are You Interested in Using Any of The Produce Nerd Materials?
The Produce Nerd, LLC owns all content located on this website ( and on The Produce Nerd YouTube channel (
I do not give consent to reproduce any material located on either site, including (but not limited to):
- Reproducing video content or using portions of the video content in another video
- Using any pictures located on this website for another website or project (except for those accessed through online photo directories)
- Pictures located on the “Behind the Scenes” posts
- Any tables located on the website
If you would like to refer to something located on my site, please link back to the specific page on this website. In these instances, there should be no suggestion of endorsement by The Produce Nerd on your page.
If you would like to reference a specific YouTube video, you can include the video link that is found on The Produce Nerd YouTube channel on your website, or as a reference.
If you have any additional questions related to rights to any materials belonging to The Produce Nerd, LLC, please reach out to me using the contact form.